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Curating Career Life Stories: How Did I Get Here: Episode 14 – An interview with Genea Cunningham

Check out the career story reflections of Genea Cunningham, recently turned small business owner and entrepreneur. Hear how she is designing a new life after being laid off from a run of corporate IT roles. And how she discovers, after being out of that environment for about three months, that her migraines and stomach issues disappeared.

Her journey is one of early setbacks and trauma that initially condition her to accept a life that is thrust upon her, not one that she chooses. She’s resigned to thinking her dreams and goals aren’t important, that taking care of others comes first, and what she wants comes second. A pivotal moment is when she realizes she has choice, and that she is responsible for her health and happiness. Now in her 40s, her journey is about living a happy, joyful life, and helping others achieve the same.

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