Curating Career Life Stories: How Did I Get Here? Episode 95 – An interview with Jamie Dandar McKinney

Join me for the career reflections of Jamie Dandar McKinney, president of Jamie Empowers. A journey that starts with a knowing about wanting to go into business, but uncertain what that really looks like. After college, Jamie’s recruited into the automotive industry, enticed by a company car, phone and management training. Quickly she discovers she’s the youngest employee, and only the third female out of 400, so right away her peers start testing her.

Jamie rises to the challenges of her peers and starts focusing on what’s working for her — her presence and confidence in meetings – deciding to do more of both. Her curious nature prompts her to research confidence and mindset so she can get even better at them. She knows she can’t change mindsets, so instead strives to navigate and work with people’s differences versus working against them. Fast forward to today, she’s now empowering women to ditch their doubts, speak out and achieve the careers they desire.

Being intentional about surrounding herself with the right people and boldly stepping into her fears when she is nervous about speaking up are what’s served her best. Her words of wisdom: “When you feel those butterflies and wonder whether you should do something or say something – DO IT!! The rewards are well worth the risks.”
Jamie’s website is
LinkedIn is Jamie Dandar McKinney –
Instagram: @Jamie_Empowers
Her book may be found on Amazon via this hyperlink
She has a free online mini course called Top 5 Gifts of Confidence – What Professional Women Know