Curating Career Life Stories: How Did I Get Here? Episode 69 – An interview with Cynthia James

Join me for the career reflections of Cynthia James, transformational coach, international speaker & best-selling author. A journey with a dream to become an actress and singer — which she achieves — performing in theatre, television & films! Find out how dancing on a huge stage at the MGM Grand and performing on a cruise ship prepare her for where she is today.

Always curious and adventurous, Cynthia follows opportunities as they arise, taking her from the Midwest to New York, Las Vegas, Los Angeles then ultimately to Colorado. Being a seeker, her curious and adventurous nature, are what she believes have served her best.

Cynthia’s words of wisdom: “You’re here for a reason. You are not an accident. You’ve got something that nobody else can do the way that you can do it. Even if it feels scary, and you don’t know what you’re doing, trust that that calling, that urge within you is important. And all you have to do is one step at a time.”
Find Cynthia at:
Hi Cynthia , Thank you so much for this. I am in one of those moods that if it was raining I would take my shoes off and run through the rain.
This will be a great series. Oh how many times I have ask that question. And yet, in the very depth of my soul I know how… I will be so interested in others perspectives, wisdom and insights❤️