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Curating Career Life Stories: How Did I Get Here? Episode 51 – An interview with Kelley Colvin

Join me for the career story reflections of Kelley Colvin, Research Instructor at the Anschutz Medical Campus. A story about pivotal moments at a young age that help her learn and grow into the person she is today.

You’d think as a leader of a research lab that Kelley was always a brainiac student, but school was a real struggle for Kelley early on. She was super shy and didn’t know how to read. All that turns around in the seventh grade after her sixth grade teacher helps her find success in school and she finds sports. A college softball scholarship takes her to Nebraska where following her love for Biology reveals her strengths in molecular and cellular experimentation. With her MA and a clearer direction, she comes back to Denver to work at National Jewish for a 3-year stint. Which ultimately connects her to her current business partner and then the two of them establishing their own lab at Anschutz, The MYKC Lab. Kelley’s words of wisdom: “You have to really like yourself for who you are, if there’s a quirk you don’t like, work on it, change it. Everyone can change.”

Check out Kelley’s lab at: https://www.michaelyeagerlab.com/

Facebook: @MYCKLabratory

Instagram: @MYCK_Lab

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