Curating Career Life Stories: How Did I Get Here? Episode 45 – An interview with Adam Kemper
Join me for the career story reflections of Adam Kemper, Client Acquisition Manager at Plumb Marketing. He starts his career journey doing what he thinks he “should do”, calling it the “I have to” chapter and the “Dark Ages.”
A pivotal moment is during a time of transition, where he purposefully takes seven months off to decompress and play. By totally stepping away he is able to “re-embrace his value” and start asking questions like: what makes me happy, what do I like, what is fun, what do I see myself enjoying? Taking leaps of faith, aligned with his integrity, he finds new opportunities and finds a passion for sales and marketing — which he views as helping customers understand their customers better. Adam’s words of wisdom: “If you’re not nervous about the choices you’re making, you’re probably playing it too safe.”