Kathy's Blog
read | share | commentCurating Career Life Stories: How Did I Get Here? Ep. 5 – Kami Guarino
Curating Career Life Stories: How Did I Get Here: Episode 5 - An interview with Kami Guarino Join me for a life story reflection of Kami Guarino, whose love for school and psychology inspired her career in education. Hear about her start as a high school counselor...
Curating Career Life Stories: How Did I Get Here? Ep. 4 — Joan Miller
Check out the career story reflections of Joan Miller, an experienced leader in the engineering and construction industry, who very early in her career was leading bold new endeavors for her company. She reveals that she must have been born with “an extra dose of confidence”, empowering her to take on new challenges and risks. A theme throughout her career journey.
Listen to how she built a reputation as someone willing to take on new things and successfully deliver results in significant new markets her company was pursuing. Hear how she approaches learning, leading, collaborating and connecting the dots to create environments where people can do their best and be successful. One lesson of many she shares – “be willing to take on challenging assignments, they are more interesting, anyone can do the easy stuff, differentiate yourself by doing the hard work, it’s more satisfying!”
Curating Career Life Stories: How Did I Get Here? Ep. 3 – Suzy Zeng
In How Did I Get Here Episode 3, join me for this life story reflection of Suzy Zeng, a journey starting in China as a chemistry instructor with a bold move to the United States earning a master’s in food science while learning to speak English.
Curating Career Life Stories: How Did I Get Here? Ep. 2 – Lauren Anuszewski
Curating Career Life Stories: How Did I Get Here: Episode 2 - An interview with Lauren Anuszewski Join me for a life story reflection of Lauren Anuszewski, a junior in college but wise beyond her age and with a clear vision for the future. Learn how she was able to...
Curating Career Life Stories: How Did I Get Here? Ep.1 – Theresa Anuszewski
In How Did I Get Here Episode 1, my interview with Theresa Anuszewski reveals how she has reached a career milestone as AVP of a local Colorado bank.
Capture & Celebrate Your Organization’s Legacy
What's your organization's secret sauce? Your Legacy? Is it well known throughout the ranks? Are you leveraging the power of it? Schedule a...
Looking for the perfect gift for your boss, colleague or parent?
Looking for the perfect gift for your boss, colleague or parent? Consider the gift of capturing and celebrating their career journey in a visual story board. A reflective process, beginning with a series of questions and then a 90-minute story telling session,...
Do you have a milestone moment approaching?
Do you have a milestone moment approaching? A milestone anniversary is the perfect time to capture, preserve and celebrate your organization’s history. Life can seem like a blur, especially the older we get, but periodically reflecting on what we’ve...
Best Retirement Gift Ever
Best retirement gift ever -- obviously it's not a T-shirt! It's knowing you've made a difference and that you mattered! I would be hard pressed to find a leader who wouldn't agree with this. Take the time to celebrate retirees in a big way by capturing...
Celebrate Your Grad by Kathy Lawless
Celebrate your grad by telling their life story with a creative and fun photo book. A life story photo book that… …highlights the special people and important events that influenced and shaped their character, …celebrates all that they have accomplished and achieved...
Are Your Bins of Photos Bugging You? by Kathy Lawless
Have you inherited bins of photos and family artifacts over the years? “I have 8 bins of photos, slides and artifacts in my basement that I inherited when my mom passed away. Now both of my parents are gone and I’ve got all this stuff, which I know my siblings (and I)...
Create Your “Personal Yearbook” by Kathy Lawless
While reflecting on 2016 I thought it would be helpful to share something I’ve done over the years that has given me great satisfaction and comfort knowing that I’ve captured my favorite memories -- Creating my "Personal Yearbook". I got started by Journaling... For...
A Time for Reflection by Kathy Lawless
Wow, 2016 has come and gone, time to focus on a new year and new goals. I'm not a fan of resolutions, but I am a big fan of reflections, toasts and tributes. Reflecting on what I accomplished, toasting to those I’m most grateful to have in my life and paying tribute...
What Might You Discover? by Kathy Lawless
You will be amazed at what you discover about yourself, your family, or your ancestors when you embark on telling the story of a loved one. Most of us have never really thought about our parents as little kids or what their life was like growing up as teenagers. Sure...
Toasts and Tributes by Kathy Lawless
I love using toasts and tributes to celebrate special and important people in my life. In fact, toasts and tributes have been a consistent theme throughout my career — and in my personal life -- I’m known as the “Toast Master”. It is in my DNA, but also something...
“I wish I had done this sooner” by Kathy Lawless
“I wish I had done this sooner.” “I wish my parents were still alive to see this book, the story of their lives.” “ I wish I would have done the book when mom and dad could more fully participate so they could add more detail and accuracy.” These are the quotes I hear...
Thanksgiving Table Topics by Kathy Lawless
Looking for some interesting table topics to go with your thanksgiving dinner? Would you like your kids to be more grateful this holiday season? And not just grateful to be off from school for a few days or grateful for upcoming holiday gift giving? Would you like...
Should I Surprise or Include My Loved One?
It is natural to want to surprise your loved one when giving them a gift, especially something as unique as a photobook that honors and celebrates their life story. At the same time, they will thoroughly enjoy being part of the process of putting it all together --...
Peace of Mind by Kathy Lawless
Peace of mind is knowing that your family history is organized in one place, not kept in multiple boxes or only in the minds of loved ones, some who may be getting up in years. Imagine having all of your family’s legacy organized, preserved and accessible for you and...
Getting Started by Kathy Lawless
Getting started with any project is sometimes the hardest part, especially if you don’t really know HOW to get started. And when it involves organizing photos that have sentimental value it gets even harder, particularly if your photos have been piling up for years on...
“Looking for a Meaningful Gift for the Holidays?” by Kathy Lawless
It’s that time of year again — and if you are like me and my sisters, every year we fret over what to get our parents. Finding just the right meaningful gift for them each year gets more and more challenging, especially when they already have everything...